Saturday, February 16, 2008

Movie, Show or Talkie?

I got off the phone, and I was telling Scott how my friend's husband
kept correcting me when I said,"show" intead of "movie" in reference to
the movie/show we would be seeing later today. My usually quite supportive
husband replied, "Well I'm glad someone has as hard of a time understanding some of the words you use as I do". Oh really, I think, then say,"That's right, it really is very rare for someone to
say show instead of movie. Who does that...could it be EVERYONE!!" A perfectly good Saturday somehow took a sour turn. He said,"Blah,blah,blah..." I said,"Blabbity,blah,blah,blah..." ...And the war of words began. I wasn't able to let it go until I looked around in the warm and homespun restaurant we had arrived at for breakfast and thought, "KNOCK IT OFF" already Kathy. I apologized, he apologized and off to the "Talkie" this evening we will go". kh

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Husband, The Daughter, The Basketball shoes

All was well with the world last Tuesday evening when Scott arrived home. The leftovers already warmed in the microwave(our kids always laugh at the sea of white styrofoam containers in the fridge from eating out over the weekend). The proverbial,"How was your day?" conversation ensued...."Oh, I mailed Abby's Basketball shoes and shorts off this morning" Scott reported. "That's great", I replied. He added, "Oh, it cost $23.00". $23.00? Say what? I thought.
The word incredulous applies here. That's how I felt anyway... I was increduously, incredulous! (overreaction? I concede...).
Abby used to play varsity basketball in Jr. High and High School, and she was quite a good player. We were all "into it"! Now though, she is at Purdue, and she simply wanted us to send her shoes so she could play for fun on Thursday nights.
Seems like a never ending pool of "play" money sent to Lafayette these days I think and the slow burn began. I can remember the sliding door off of the kitchen making a... was it a slam sound? I can be awfully theatrical at times. Anyway, I'm not sure. I just know I went upstairs to the computer room to get away from Mr. high roller, package sender guy. Hey why didn't he just grab a plane out of Fort Wayne International and deliver them in person? Ticked off thoughts swirled in my mind for about 10 minutes until I talked (MYSELF) down, and a rational thought popped into my head...darn those rational thoughts. I mulled things over enough to come to the conclusion that Scott only sent the basketball shoes via Express Mail since he was worried Ab wouldn't get them in time.
Our conversation soon thereafter confirmed just that. We spent a couple more minutes talking about our need to keep "extra" expenses to a minimum with a renewed commitment to do so and then that was that with that.