Saturday, February 16, 2008

Movie, Show or Talkie?

I got off the phone, and I was telling Scott how my friend's husband
kept correcting me when I said,"show" intead of "movie" in reference to
the movie/show we would be seeing later today. My usually quite supportive
husband replied, "Well I'm glad someone has as hard of a time understanding some of the words you use as I do". Oh really, I think, then say,"That's right, it really is very rare for someone to
say show instead of movie. Who does that...could it be EVERYONE!!" A perfectly good Saturday somehow took a sour turn. He said,"Blah,blah,blah..." I said,"Blabbity,blah,blah,blah..." ...And the war of words began. I wasn't able to let it go until I looked around in the warm and homespun restaurant we had arrived at for breakfast and thought, "KNOCK IT OFF" already Kathy. I apologized, he apologized and off to the "Talkie" this evening we will go". kh

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